Laura Webb Photography

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Being joyful toward others and spreading joy is one of my favorite things. Recently, I had a personal struggle with my career path. After being rejected into multiple graduate programs I began to ask myself: Am I a failure? What am I going to do with my life? Where will I work? Were the past 4 years a waste of time?

For a little while, my mood was based on this struggle. I felt unhappy and unconfident. As I started trying out new things, I began to find joy in them. I took a different job and met incredible people and developed new skills. However during this time, I didn’t see all these positives that had come from my new job and time volunteering. The circumstances that I had based my happiness on, robbed me of seeing the good things and of my joy. I only saw the negatives about not getting into my grad program.

Happiness is based on circumstances and joy is deeply rooted. My relationship with Jesus strengthened and played a HUGE part in my realization of this reality. Circumstances are ALWAYS changing, but my joy is everlasting and deeply rooted in Him.  Joy is such an easy thing to share! I try and do simple acts of kindness and smile a lot because it goes a long way. Since I only get one shot at this thing called life on Earth, why not do what I can to make it great?! Being joyful and always finding the good in yourself, other people, and circumstances isn’t always easy, but it is ALWAYS worth it!

"We can’t always choose the music life plays for us but we can choose how we dance to it." -unknown